Genome Hub

The Hub provides a full range of services around tagging cells, as well as overexpressing, editing, and deleting genes using viral technology.

The hub provides high titer anterograde and retrograde adeno-associated viruses (AAVs) of many serotypes. It also thrives on new technical developments such as the optimization of AAV expression cassettes, vector-assisted spectral tracing, and the establishment of a screen to target specific cell types.
The Hub staff receives the requests and gives advice in generating adequate plasmids (cloning/preparation of the endotoxin-free Maxi-preps) and provides services in generating the viruses. The mesoscale viral hub also provides MLV-based retroviral vectors or lentiviral vectors pseudo-typed to target different CNS cells and support the generation of Rabies tracing for retrograde monosynaptic tracing depending on requests.
Hub Committee
Magdalena Götz & Florence Bareyre
Chu Lan Lao