PhD & Postdoc representatives
Past events
28 February 2025: on-site visit of the SyNergy Single-Cell and Spatial Transcriptome Hubs
You can find a brief recap of the visit here.
If you have any requests or ideas for the Hub visits or future events, don’t hesitate to drop them in our virtual boxes:
Our mission
As representatives, we are the voice of PhD students and Postdocs within SyNergy. In detail, our tasks are the following:
- We are a point of contact to guide (new) PhD students and Postdocs within the SyNergy structure
- We are a point of contact for feedback, questions, criticism and improvements: we see ourselves as a formal instrument to bring PhD student and Postdoc matters to the attention of the SyNergy Board
- We gather ideas about educational and extracurricular activities from the community; we will forward these to the SyNergy Board and discuss their implementation
- We communicate relevant SyNergy Board decisions to the PhD students and Postdocs
- We embody the PhD student and Postdoc perspective at public and formal events
Who are we?

Angelika Dannert - Postdoc Rep
Angelika studied Molecular Medicine and obtained her BSc from the University of Tübingen and her MSc from the University of Göttingen. During this time, she did research internships in Amsterdam, Zürich, and Stanford and worked at a start-up company in Heidelberg. In 2018, she moved to Munich and started her PhD in the lab of Dominik Paquet. She graduated in April 2024 and now continues working on her project as a Postdoc. Angelika likes being in the mountains and has a passion for crime and fantasy novels (also great as audiobooks on long lab days!).

Clara de la Rosa del Val - PhD Rep
Clara studied Biochemistry at the Autonomous University of Madrid, doing an exchange year at the University of Toronto. She then came to Munich for the GSN Master in Neuroscience, when she already joined the group of Martin Kerschensteiner. She is currently doing her PhD with the GSN in the Kerschensteiner Lab. Outside the lab, you can find Clara in the mountains or cycling, or reading fantasy books.

Lis de Weerd - PhD Rep
Lis obtained a bachelor’s degree in Psychobiology and a master’s degree in Molecular Neuroscience at the University of Amsterdam, during which she did research internships in Calgary and San Francisco. After her studies, Lis worked as a research assistant at Cambridge University and moved to Munich where she started her PhD in the group of Christian Haass at the DZNE. Nowadays, she rides around on her gravel bike, sings in a choir, and loves to read books on her phone while trying to wrap up her PhD.

Nathalie Beaufort - Postdoc Rep
Nathalie obtained her doctoral thesis in Physiology and Physiopathology at University Paris VI in 2005. After several post-doctoral experiences in Paris and Munich, she joined the group of Martin Dichgans at the ISD in 2010. In her free time, she enjoys skiing in the Alps or swimming in the Bavarian lakes together with her husband and her 7-year-old daughter.

How to contact us
General email address
Individual email addresses
- Angelika Dannert - Postdoc Rep:
- Clara de la Rosa del Val - PhD Rep:
- Lis de Weerd - PhD Rep:
- Nathalie Beaufort - Postdoc Rep:
Virtual idea and suggestion box
Do you have an idea or suggestion for an event, workshop, scientific meeting etc.? Please leave a message in our virtual idea and suggestion box!Send us an anonymous message
Do you want to contact us, but prefer to remain anonymous, please use this form to write a message. Google account not required.