Public Events
Upcoming Events
Past Events
Events that our members contributed to and/or were sponsored by SyNergy:

17 October 2024, 19:00 - 21:00
Science Slam
From the birth of the universe and the mysteries of quantum mechanics to the secrets of the brain and the paths to sustainable energy. Enjoy an evening of science with us in a relaxed bar atmosphere.

3 October 2024, 10:00-17:00
Open Day - Forschungscampus Garching
Exploring the future: energy, quantum, brain, and cosmos. Join the Munich Clusters of Excellence at the Open Day of Forschungscampus Garching.

6 July 2024
Soapbox Science
Soapbox Science is an annual public science communication event that brings cutting-edge science to the public, in an accessible, fun, free, and un-intimidating way. Sponsored by SyNergy

8 June 2024, 10:00 - 15:45
Tag der nervenstarken Forschung
Neue Erkenntnisse zu Alzheimer, Parkinson, Multiple Sklerose und Schlaganfall
7 April 2024, 4pm - 6pm
Kreatives Altern oder Altersdemenz: Was wir von Künstlern und Wissenschaftlern lernen können
A lecture by Christian Haass as part of the program accompanying the exhibition "Heinz Kreutz: Frankfurt, Paris, Penzberg" in museum Penzberg.

21 October 2023, 9am - 2pm
Multiple Sclerosis Research - What's New?
Organized by researchers at Klinikum rechts der Isar. More than 300 patients, relatives, and interested people were informed about current MS research projects at the hospital, current results, and the latest findings on the causes and therapies of MS.

3 October 2023, 9am - 5pm
"Türen auf mit der Maus"-Tag
The four Munich Clusters of Excellence presented their research at a joint stand, including exciting experiments for children.

23 May 2023, 11am - 4pm
Stroke Action Day in Munich
23 May 2023, 7pm - 9pm
Pint of Science Festival: Our brains explained
Pint of Science is a worldwide science festival which brings researchers to local pub/cafe/space to share their scientific discoveries. Two of our members gave a presentation:
- Angelika Harbauer: "Food for thought – how mitochondria power our nerves"
- Gregor Pilz: Afraid of losing some neurons with one or the other pint? Don't worry, your hippocampus adds neurons constantly to your brain's circuits
5-7 May 2023, 9am-5pm
FORSCHA: Münchner Wissenschaftstage
What does a neuron look like, and what is its function? How can you recognize Alzheimer’s Disease in the brain? We answered these questions and more at FORSCHA – the annual Munich science fair hosted at the Deutsches Museum Verkehrszentrum from 5-7 May. Nearly 8,000 visitors of all ages joined this year to learn about science and research.

3 October 2022, 9am-5pm
"Türen auf mit der Maus"-Tag
The four Munich Clusters of Excellence presented themselves together at the new Science Congress Center Munich (GALILEO) at the Garching Research Center. At the stand, we offered experiments for children, lots of information about the clusters, and an exciting quiz.

3 October 2022, 9am-5pm
Soap Box Science Munich
"Gender equality starts with many little changes" by Prof. Dr. Angelika Harbauer
November 2021
Munich Science Slam
Ida Pasämaa shines a spotlight on the not-so-famous cell types in the brain - the glia cells!
27 October 2021, 10am-5pm
35 years Alzheimer Society Munich
The Alzheimer Gesellschaft München e.V. (AGM) celebrated its 35th anniversary together with the SyNergy Cluster with a ceremony at the Center for Stroke and Dementia Research. The Bavarian State Minister for Health and Care, Klaus Holetschek, opened the event with a welcoming address.
8-10 October 2021, 9am-5pm
FORSCHA: Münchner Wissenschaftstage
Together with the other Munich-based Excellence Clusters we were at the annual Munich science fair to give the public a look into the world of science.

20 April 2021, 5am
Online talk by Christian Haass: „Can we ever cure Alzheimer's disease?“

21 May 2019
Pint of Science
Pint of Science is a worldwide science festival which brings researchers to local pub/cafe/space to share their scientific discoveries.