Supportprogramm für Familien und Frauen
SyNergy-Wissenschaftlerinnen (SyNergy-Mitglieder und von SyNergy-Mitgliedern direkt angestellte Wissenschaftlerinnen) mit Kindern bis zu 12 Jahren sind antragsberechtigt.
SyNergy-Wissenschaftler können sich ausnahmsweise auch bewerben.
A separate application must be filled out for each child.
- For children of up to three years of age, a maximum amount of € 500 per month will be provided for child care (upon proof of actual monthly costs). The support will be proportional to working hours (100% = 500€/mo; 50% = 250€/mo etc.).
- For children between three and six years of age maximum amount of € 300 per month will be provided for child care (upon proof of actual monthly costs). The support will be proportional to working hours (100% = 300€/mo; 50% = 150€/mo etc.).
- For children between six and twelve years of age maximum amount of € 200 per month will be provided for child care (upon proof of actual monthly costs). The support will be proportional to working hours (100% = 200€/mo; 50% = 100€/mo etc.).
- Annually, financial support of up to € 300 per child (up to six years of age) may be granted for work-related, out-of-regular hours exceptional child care expenses, or expenses for child care in the case of need, such as business trips to conferences or meetings.
- For highly talented female scientists, support can be provided for a student/research assistant during pregnancy/maternal leave (Mutterschutz) for up to twelve months.
Die Förderung beginnt mit dem ersten Tag des Monats, der auf die Sitzung des SyNergy-Boards folgt, in der die Förderung gewährt wurde. Der SyNergy-Vorstand entscheidet im Rahmen eines Wettbewerbsverfahrens.
Application documents should be submitted to the office of the SyNergy Cluster and should include:
- Written application (including a statement that describes the current child care situation and demonstrates that a grant will improve the applicant's professional situation)
- CV
- List of publications
- Approval of the group leader
- Birth certificate(s) of child/children or confirmation of pregnancy/expected birth date (if appropriate)
- Official confirmation from the daycare of the monthly costs
- Working contract
Please provide your application in one single pdf-document and send it to Silke Herzer: